Customer Service Assistant:
Ara Moden GmbH&Co.KG (Fashion), Munich (Germany)
Web Copywriter and Head of Customer Service:
Edimedia srl, Turin (Italy)
Public Relations and Communication Officer: Publicis Soleil (Advertising Agency), Toulouse (France)
Telephone Interviewer: NOP Research Ltd (Market Research), London (UK)
Public Relations Assistant: CTS Travel UK (Tour Operator), London (UK)

Barbara Miliacca
Language Services
SINCE 2007

AITI - Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti
DIRECCTE - Pôle Entreprises, Emploi, Economie
in France, Germany and Italy
English courses for middle and high school students - Lycéé Cezanne, Collège Miramas
(PACA, France)
English courses for young adults - La Challenge des Langues, Toulouse (France)
Italian instructor for employees (lifelong learning). Fields: food industry, agriculture, ship-building industry, informatics - DB Formation, Vitrolles (France); Envoll centre de formation, Aix-en-Provence (France)
I am a registered Italian instructor in France (DIRECCTE, n°93131852813)